Thursday, February 01, 2007

Somebody really made me so angry today!!

The conversation began with him asking if I was gg for a particular event held on this friday and saturday evening..To which my reply was no. And I proceeded to explain how my entire Saturday will be taken up by caw and i'm going for mass on Friday.

And he said 'PANGSEH' very loudly in my face and went on about how someone we know is the lead. Someone whom i'm not even very close to.

I shall say very loudly to his face 'PISS OFF YOU BUGGER' the next time he tries anything like that. (if i dare to)

I can't even not go for sth w/o having an idiot try to tell me what a big sin it is. I've an exam next thursday, and there's caw coming up. So just shut your damn bloody mouth and quit being so self-righteous.

We should quit judging others. Afterall, who are we to do so.


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