Sunday, November 25, 2007

My first night shift came along just after my previous post! heh. (But sorry lu, that I couldn't go look for carol's present with you). Time passes very quickly in a&e; it's almost like watching a movie, only better because it's live and real. Just did a 4pm-2am thing ytd, and i'm really enjoying it. My poor saturday was gone, but I'd probably have wasted it slacking around at home anyway. Our last tutor on the list is great! Maybe that's why they assigned us 4, becos at least half of those will turn out to be bad. haha.

Carol's bday party was a lovely ending to a stressful week. It was so much fun with the girls; and I've not felt so happy in a very long time. Being with you all again really brings back memories of us 5 years back, chatting and laughing and picking up from where we left off. Don't seem to have as much fun with friends in med, it's just different somehow. Carol's little cousins are so cute, the pinata was great fun. They were so infectious, I think i was almost as happy as all the kids when it finally broke and there was a huge downpour of sweets and chocolates! :)


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