Monday, December 03, 2007

The bad thing about papers in the afternoon is that I always slack off the day before. Like now! one day to the pharmaco paper and i took a nap, indulged in some me-and-my-piano time, and just basically have been crawling along the topics. Hope this is over so that I can start on e-med and patho soon!

Ambulance run last week was fun, can't wait for the next one this thursday night! It's so exciting, and the fact that it doesn't give me motion sickness just makes it better. Firsthand experience + nice paramedic = great learning experience. Qiantai did cpr last week! That was just days after our bcls course! (though we're supposedly certified in performing cpr after our first aid course in year 1). Unfortunately, the uncle didn't make it. This time, we stayed on to see them transfer him to auto cpr, attempt resus for almost an hour, before certifying him dead after a series of asystoles. It just really hits you when they stop the auto cpr and decide to stop trying. It's like, shit, this guy just collapsed while he was out there having a walk alone. And he just died, without saying goodbye. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. I wouldn't want to die like that.

E-med is an eye-opening experience; it shows the ambulance run and triage before patients are admitted, and it shows the end, if patients do not pull through. It completes my learning cycle, of seeing and talking to patients. Want to start reading up more!

For now, it's back to pharmaco. :/
Then it's catch-up-with-carol time after pharmaco :)


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