Thursday, September 14, 2006

is it just me, or do you know someone who seems to make friends not for making friends, but because there's some reason behind all that pretence (no, i'm not ref to guys who chat up girls)

is it just my friends, or has too many a blog been abandoned because of prying eyes; that followed by flaming tags or nasty comments.

if u'd rather be somewhere else rather than hanging out with me, be my guest. if u're not happy with what u're reading on a blog, stop reading it. so xxx doesn't have great fashion sense, good writing skills, interesting writing material; all she/he's concerned about is rambling on and on about her not-so-interesting life; maybe she's shallow, fat and ugly; she possibly bitches, curses and swears. is that any of anyone's business except hers?

Monday, September 11, 2006

i am sam

incredibly touching movie..i've teared so many times since the beginning. have yet to finish it..and now i've to wait an entire week cos it's on tape.

the scenes of sam and his friends pooling their money to buy a pair of shoes for lucy; father and child holding on to each other after the trial; sam struggling to pronounce d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t. while it is easy to wish that all will end will for them, the courts also had strong reasons for keeping the two apart.

can a man with the mental capacity of a seven-year-old really care for the emotional soul of his daughter with mere love? or is it love, true love, that will overcome such barriers viewed impossible by the world.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

here i am!
facing all my silly textbooks that contain all the heavenly knowledge about receptors, microorganisms and diseases.

i feel overwhelmingly fantastically helplessly desperately terribly horribly swamped.

maybe i'd eventually finish reading (not even assimilating, mind u) all this if i had 100 hrs a day.

Monday, September 04, 2006


of late, my gfs have been dealing with bgr problems..
common whinings are that the bf has been hanging out with girls/ gg out with A Girl Who Used To Like Him / finds him attractive / whom He finds attractive.
seriously, some of the things their bfs do are so uncalled for..
quick, dump him! we deserve better.

thank you (tho u'll nv read this)..for making me feel so lucky and loved. i think we've both matured over these several months..and we've learnt to trust each other alot more.

happiness is a gem..hard to find, easily lost.